banshee crashs and mono-zeroconf update

Michel Alexandre Salim michael.silvanus at
Thu Oct 22 22:33:21 UTC 2009

On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 2:43 PM, Christian Krause
<chkr at> wrote:

> So we have two options:
> - get the bonjour support working in mono-zeroconf [1]
> or
> - remove the bonjour support so that solely the AvahiDBus provider is in
> the mono-zeroconf package
> Somehow I tend to the 2nd option since it has less dependencies. ;-)
Considering our Bonjour is actually Avahi's compatibility interface
anyway, and not the real thing, I'd say that solely using avahi (once
it's fixed) and AvahiDBus would be much safer.


Michel Alexandre Salim

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