[Fedora-music-list] JACK and Qtractor in Fedora 14.

Karsten Wade kwade at redhat.com
Tue Aug 3 21:41:50 UTC 2010

On Mon, Aug 02, 2010 at 11:13:17AM -0400, Orcan Ogetbil wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 3:16 AM, Christopher Antila wrote:
> > On 08/02/2010 03:02 AM, Orcan Ogetbil wrote:
> > Is it better to use the version from RPMFusion or from Planet CCRMA?
> > Does it make a difference at all?
> >
> >
> "Better" is a very subjective term. So my answer cannot be precise.
> Some consider the latest bleeding edge software to be better, others
> prefer stability. Moreover, we can't predict which packaged versions
> will have better behavior than others. If same versions are packaged
> in both repos, there shouldn't be much of a difference. Otherwise,
> there will be a difference, but the difference can be in any
> direction.

There is a danger of problems having more than one repo enabled that
have identical packages.  One consideration on which to choose, can
you get the external repositories needed to a single source to avoid
duplicates and dependency weirdness?

- Karsten
name:  Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Community Gardener
team:                Red Hat Community Architecture 
uri:               http://TheOpenSourceWay.org/wiki
gpg:                                       AD0E0C41
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