[Fedora-music-list] audio/media related reports to bugzilla.redhat.com ignored?

Niels Mayer nielsmayer at gmail.com
Fri Jul 9 19:32:34 UTC 2010

Regarding the messages that audio/media is not a priority for
Fedora/Redhat.... it should be:

Redhat could be doing a lot more, both for itself and its sales, by
seeding the music&media-communictions-education market -- in public
schools -- with far-lower-cost platforms than they're currently
purchasing, such as the macintosh with whatever expensive music
software that was recently stolen from my son's school. Because if you
go in the library, there's macs for the students to work on and the
staff is often using them too. Which means when they grow up, at best
there will be macs replacing the windows boxen in the workplace.
Redhat could be seeding the part of the market where software costs
and updates are outrageous: "pro" or "creative" multimedia and audio,
and where concept-training is important, and not mastery of particular
tools like ProTools or Maya or Avid ... as you might find in a

Getting multiyear education-based computer contracts is great-bread
and butter for the long-term survival of a computer company. and
redhat could be getting its foot in the door of such "mac&ms-office
shops"  by seeding the music/film/broadcast and multimedia
education/training parts of the school curriculum with a nice
"media&education spin" which would include realtime options for those
doing movie or film projects. And since Linux is so efficient -- a lot
of this could be platformed on last-generation hardware that is
refurbished/compatibility-selected and distributed to schools.

But who knows, maybe the issue is that Redhat is doing too well :-)
While Nokia seems to be pushing hard these days with


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