[Fedora-music-list] Planning for Fedora 19 & 20

Brendan Jones brendan.jones.it at gmail.com
Sat Mar 2 09:22:07 UTC 2013

On 03/02/2013 03:18 AM, Christopher R. Antila wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi everybody:
> It looks like we have just under 4 months before the Fedora 19 release:
> http://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-19/f-19-releng-tasks.html
> There isn't much time, but we should make some goals anyway.
> Obviously, we need to get our official spin onto the official spins
> page. I suggest we also try to develop and use some QA procedure.
> More important will be to plan for Fedora 20, and we should make some
> more ambitious goals for that release. I'll write down my thoughts
> about this in a couple of days (related to my message about GSoC from
> a few days ago), but let's all get thinking!

Insofar as the spin is concerned I'm not sure that there is anything 
left to do.

I have requested the website changes and they are already in place for F19.

I have added some new packages to Fedora (radium_compressor and a few 
lv2 synths) which we may want to add to the spin package list.

I've not heard from Jorn lately regarding the jam control app, but I 
encourage anyone with some python_fu to review and make changes.

On my to do list is to split out the non-* packages and maybe even offer 
an alternate zynaddsubfx binary using the ntk (FLTK fork as used by the 
non packages).

I'm back in australia for a working holiday at the moment so time is 
somewhat limited but I am still around ;)

As for your GSOC suggestion, maybe this is something which should be 
floated by CCRMA and not Fedora? Only problem is getting a slot, which 
will require a significant coding component. I can backstop any mentor 
if required

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