nodejs-packagiing improvements

Jamie Nguyen j at
Fri Mar 21 17:30:50 UTC 2014

On 19/03/14 17:19, T.C. Hollingsworth wrote:
> - %nodejs_fixdep now supports a --dev argument to affect devDependencies


> - %nodejs_symlink_deps now supports --build as an alias for --check
> This switch more accurately reflects what it does (i.e. it works in
> the build directory not the buildroot directory) and doesn't look so
> weird in %build sections.  ;-)

That does make much more sense.

> And finally, the biggie:
> - Support for the caret (^) operator was added to the dependency generator.

Sweet. Came across this in nodejs-grunt-contrib-uglify and had to
%nodejs_fixdep the dependency:

Kind regards,

Jamie Nguyen

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