Thoughts on a NodeJS packaging group

Jared K. Smith jsmith at
Wed Nov 11 22:06:23 UTC 2015

On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 4:00 PM, Jamie Nguyen <j at> wrote:

> No concerns at all. This is long overdue! (In the early days of Node.js
> in Fedora, T.C., Tom Hughes and I were automatically adding each other
> as co-maintainers for every new SCM request.)

I think that's great, but I hope that if we're not already beyond that
point, that we get beyond that point soon.  I'll go ahead and file an
Infrastructure ticket to get the group created -- and then we can decide
who should be a part of the group.  Obviously T.C, Tom, and Jamie should be
on the list.  I'd like to be on the list as well for some of the packaging
I'm doing for the IoT SIG, if you trust me.

Jared Smith
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