Thoughts on a NodeJS packaging group

Jamie Nguyen j at
Thu Nov 12 07:26:57 UTC 2015

On 11/11/15 22:07, Stephen Gallagher wrote:
>> I think that's great, but I hope that if we're not already beyond
>> that point, that we get beyond that point soon.  I'll go ahead and
>> file an Infrastructure ticket to get the group created -- and then
>> we can decide who should be a part of the group.  Obviously T.C,
>> Tom, and Jamie should be on the list.  I'd like to be on the list
>> as well for some of the packaging I'm doing for the IoT SIG, if you
>> trust me.
> For whatever it's worth, I'll vouch for Jared. He knows what he's
> doing most of the time and knows enough to ask for help the rest of
> the time.

Jared, it's humble of you not to presume that we trust you, but of
course we trust you! :-)

Aside from the people already chatting in this thread, I think Troy
Dawson and Ralph Bean would be suitable for the list too (and maybe some
others that I forgot).

Kind regards,

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