Meet us at Berlin FUDCon / LinuxTAG, Friday - Sunday (26-28 June)

Richard W.M. Jones rjones at
Wed Jun 24 17:04:32 UTC 2009

Mark McLoughlin and myself will be at LinuxTag and FUDCon in Berlin
this week.

There's a talk on virtualization, Saturday 11am.  And, subject to
demand, hackfests on libguestfs and the Windows cross-compiler (Fedora
MinGW project) on Sunday.

If you'll be at LinuxTag or FUDCon, please come along and say hello.
We're also meeting up with a few people, so if you need my mobile
number, email me.

More information here:


Richard Jones, Emerging Technologies, Red Hat
virt-df lists disk usage of guests without needing to install any
software inside the virtual machine.  Supports Linux and Windows.

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