[Fedora-olpc-list] Intro and meeting proposal

Greg Dekoenigsberg gdk at redhat.com
Tue Jul 22 16:20:09 UTC 2008

Hi all.  I'm Greg DeKoenigsberg.  I'm a community guy for Red Hat. 
Thanks to everyone who has joined this list.

There's a ton of stuff to do in OLPC/Sugar/Fedoraland.  It would be easy 
for us to lose ourselves in the mountain of work that needs to be done :) 
so my hope is that we will be able to focus on doing the work that we are 
best suited to do.  There's a lot of low hanging fruit out there for folks 
who know the ins and outs of Fedora.

Here's some of my ideas about how we might get started.


1. If you are running Fedora right now, please go out and try to install 
Sugar on Fedora.  You will immediately find a whole bunch of issues.  :)

For example, this is what my process to get Sugar installed and running 
looked like, a few weeks ago (may have changed since then):

As root:
yum install sugar
yum install xorg-x11-server-Xephyr      # which should be a dependency!
yum install pygame                      # should this be a dependency?
yum install csound                      # should this be a dependency?
# pygame and csound both needed by Pippy (and doubtless other things)

As the user who will be running Sugar:
# make the Activities directory to store activities
mkdir ~/Activities
cd ~/Activities
wget http://dev.laptop.org/~erikos/bundles/other/Terminal-10.xo
unzip Terminal-10.xo
wget http://dev.laptop.org/~erikos/bundles/0.81.2/Pippy-22.xo
unzip Pippy-22.xo
wget http://dev.laptop.org/~erikos/bundles/Web-90.xo
unzip Web-90.xo
# Gee, wouldn't be easier if these activities were RPMs?  :)

Like I say, in the process of just getting Sugar installed, a lot of work 
items become clear.  A lot of low hanging fruit on the "get Sugar working 
in Fedora" front.

My personal goal is to be using Sugar as my fulltime desktop environment 
as soon as possible.  I encourage all of you to take that dare.  ;)


2. We need to figure out what our workflow will be.  How do we track 
tasks?  I've used bugzilla, trac, wikis, and so on and so on.  All of them 
work, but we just need to agree how to move forward.

For instance: "package Pippy for Fedora".  Where does that work item live?

Of course, forwarding package review requests straight to the list is a 
great start.


3. Meetings!  I'm a big, big believer in weekly meetings for things like 
this.  Why?  Because meetings are where we all promise to do things, and 
where we keep those promises week after week.  A mailing list is useful, 
but there's nothing quite like the awkward silence in real time that 
follows the question "who's going to do this?" to get a project moving 
forward.  :)

Therefore, I will propose a meeting time.  Friday, 1300 (1pm) Eastern US 
time, which is 1700 GMT right now, I believe.  Any takers?  Any 

Important to get started soon, while people are interested and we have 
critical mass.  At last count, 52 people joined this mailing list in the 
last day.  That's a great start, and I don't want to waste the momentum.


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