Can not launch sugar in rawhide

Bryan Kearney bkearney at
Fri Nov 21 14:14:36 UTC 2008

I am attempting to test sugar in a vm using the steps below. I get to 
the initial login, and select the sugar desktop. It accepts 
username/password and begins to log me in. It them flashes once, and 
takes me back to the login. Any ideas where I should look for errors?

-- bk

Steps to re-produce (on F9)
* yum install appliance-tools python-virtinst
* Download the kickstart file copied from the sdizillas in the kickstart 
* appliance-creator --name sugarxo --config [PATH TO KSFILE]
* virt-imavge sugarxo.xml
* Then connect via virt-manager or virt-viewer

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