Offer of help with Sugar and related packages

Paul Fox pgf at
Wed Dec 16 22:39:17 UTC 2009

martin wrote:
 > Sorry about the crosspost -- I think the best is to keep this thread
 > going on fedora-olpc-list and to cc Guillermo Gomez ('gomix').  Note!
 > IIRC, fedora-olpc-list has broken reply-to behaviour so to keep him
 > cc'd takes extra effort (if you don't cc him explicitly, he'll get
 > dropped).
 > Guillermo is offering to help with Fedora packaging efforts related to
 > Sugar & OLPC. He is asking that we put together a list of things that
 > need help -- I've seen some such lists in the early days of this
 > mailing list but I don't know if there is one now.
 > I will start the conversation suggesting
 >  - (mentioned by Tomeu) Existing maintainers are overstretched --
 > review existing rpms in Fedora rawhide for freshness, offer to
 > co-maintain or take over where it makes sense. Conssider packaging
 > updates.
 >  - Scan bugzilla for bugs against sugar-*
 >  - Gnash packaging (Tomeu)

there's a long-standing issue that we'd like an add-on rpm of
"extra" kernel modules, for things like usb devices, bluetooth,
etc.  related bugs are #9684, #7326, #8408.  this applies to both
XO-1 and 1.5.


 > It's not clear to me what Guillermo's plans are --  whether he'll work
 > on it personally, has a team working on this, plans to have a team one
 > day... in any case, Guillermo, I think it is an important first step
 > to subscribe to fedora-olpc-list. This list is where things are being
 > coordinated -- not being here you / your team won't be "in the know"
 > with the things you need to know. It's pretty moderate traffic,
 > nothing like lkml or fedora-devel... :-)

 paul fox, pgf at

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