Meeting status tomorrow: unsure.

Greg Dekoenigsberg gdk at
Wed Feb 11 23:46:01 UTC 2009

On Thu, 12 Feb 2009, Peter Robinson wrote:

> Wicked! This is good work. Now i have a XO next on my list is booting
> rawhide on SD.

Well, now apparently the issues are as Marco describes them here:

* console completely screwed up, which makes debugging a pain.
* jffs2 related kernel trace while booting, does not seem to break things.
* Network related kernel panic at the end. Sometimes halt the system,
sometimes it doesn't.
* X does not start for some reason.

So some issues are fixed, but others are cropping up now.

> Well if the boot issues on XO on rawhide are fixed it seems we're there 
> in the basics. The question of using a base F-11 in replacement of 9.1.0 
> as far as I'm aware comes down to the question of rainbow and the 
> associated changes to the boot process 
> (kernel/initscript/olpcrd/upstart/dbus) which unfortunately is down to a 
> few people that have sufficient understanding to be able to deal with 
> that.
>> I'm wondering if it might not be the best idea, at this point, to go ahead
>> and start working backwards from rawhide, and see what's busted, and start
>> tracking that in bugzilla.
> From my point of view that's sort of what I'm trying to do. I know I
> can't deal with the whole rainbow/kernel stuff but where possible I'm
> tracking/filing bugs testing etc. Compared to where we were at with
> the rebase to F-10 when I first started to get involved I think we're
> alot better off than we were.

Well, we've got about a month until freeze.  It's not hopeless, but I'd 
really like to get closer to booting into... something.

cjb: can you make your latest tinderbox image available so that other 
people can try to install it as well, and maybe get better insights into 
what's busted, exactly?


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