Ed Tech Day Ithaca College in NY

Karlie Robinson karlie_robinson at webpath.net
Fri Feb 27 18:34:09 UTC 2009

Chris Ball wrote:
> my impression is that it's not true that most
> of the kids with XOs in the world have the prerequisites for a US
> curriculum fourth grade math course -- 
If this comes up, my response would be...

While we are using American educational benchmarking as a guideline, the 
fact is that these skills will only be used when the children are ready 
for it.  As individual children and classes vary, so will the course work. 

Simply because Americans measure understanding with grade levels, it 
does not mean that all 9 year olds must comprehend the course work. 

The goal is education, the means is the XO, but that does not mean we 
decide what is learned and when. 

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