No meeting today, and a question about meetings

Peter Robinson pbrobinson at
Thu Mar 12 22:23:22 UTC 2009

Hi All,

> Hi folks.  I'm afraid I've got other responsibilities that are going to
> prevent me from running a meeting today.
> Let me ask this question: how valuable have these weekly meetings been for
> you?  It looks like there's strong activity on the mailing list, and
> continuing progress, if perhaps a bit slower than everyone would like.
> Having me say "gee, no time for a meeting this week, sorry" feels pretty
> lame.  If the meetings are valuable, we should probably find someone else to
> run them at this point.  I feel like I'm doing many jobs poorly, and in my
> limited time would like to concentrate on a job to do well -- and at this
> point, I feel like there are several other people who could be running these
> meetings successfully.

If people thing the meetings are worthwhile to moving forward Fedora
and OLPC I would be willing to step up and do my best to run them each
week unless someone particularly wants to. I wouldn't be able to do so
until April as I'll be travelling over the next couple of weeks. In
the mean time I'd like to hear other peoples thoughts as well.


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