Fedora 9 Update: torch-3.1-1.fc9

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Wed Mar 18 19:10:47 UTC 2009

Fedora Update Notification
2009-03-11 17:13:37

Name        : torch
Product     : Fedora 9
Version     : 3.1
Release     : 1.fc9
URL         : http://www.torch.ch/
Summary     : Torch is a simple machine-learning library
Description :
Torch is a simple machine-learning library, among its features you can find:

* A lot of things in gradient machines, that is, machines which could be
  learned with a gradient descent. This includes multi-layered perceptrons,
  radial bas is functions, mixtures of experts, convolutional networks and
  even time-delay neural networks. In fact a lot of "modules" are available
  that you can plug as you want to get what you need.
* Support vector machines, in classification and regression. As fast as the
  old stand-alone program SVMTorch II, but with the powerful environment of
  the library.
* Ensemble models such as bagging or adaboost.
* Non-parametric models such as K-nearest-neighbors, Parzen regression and
  Parzen density estimator.
* Distributions stuff, like Kmeans, Gaussian mixture models, hidden Markov
  models, input-output hidden Markov models, and Bayes classifier.
* Speech recognition tools (Embedded training and large vocabulary decoding).

Update Information:

-Initial release

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program.  Use 
su -c 'yum update torch' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

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