Fedora 13 Update: gramps-3.2.5-1.fc13

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Fri Dec 3 20:44:45 UTC 2010

Fedora Update Notification
2010-11-21 00:53:09

Name        : gramps
Product     : Fedora 13
Version     : 3.2.5
Release     : 1.fc13
URL         : http://gramps.sourceforge.net/
Summary     : Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System
Description :
gramps (Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming
System) is a GNOME based genealogy program supporting a Python
based plugin system.

Update Information:

Version 3.2.5 -- the "I intend to live forever" bug fix release.
Highlights of fixes in this release include:
* fix Gramps so it again runs with Python 2.5
* write all notes and sources to gedcom files
* cli fixes
* GeneWeb and LegacyGedcom fixes
* NarrativeWeb fixes
* memory leak fixes
* various other small fixes
* many translation updates

* Thu Nov 18 2010 Jeffrey C. Ollie <jeff at ocjtech.us> - 3.2.5-1
- Version 3.2.5 -- the "I intend to live forever" bug fix release.
- Highlights of fixes in this release include:
- * fix Gramps so it again runs with Python 2.5
- * write all notes and sources to gedcom files
- * cli fixes
- * GeneWeb and LegacyGedcom fixes
- * NarrativeWeb fixes
- * memory leak fixes
- * various other small fixes
- * many translation updates
* Tue Oct 12 2010 Jeffrey C. Ollie <jeff at ocjtech.us> - 3.2.4-2
- Due to a missing .css file, we've chosen to re-release Gramps 3.2.4.
- This will only affect those who use NarrativeWeb.
* Sun Oct 10 2010 Jeffrey C. Ollie <jeff at ocjtech.us> - 3.2.4-1
- Version 3.2.4 -- the "Tententen" bug fix release.
- * fix a crash on newer distro's after an export is finished
- * styled notes cleanup and consistency improvement (nar web behaves
-   like the pdf/html output of reports)
- * newlines in styled notes are written as newlines so users can make
-   simple lists
- * many NarrativeWeb fixes
- * gedcom output fixes
- * non latin character fixes (mainly for windows)
- * recursive filter fixes
- * undo fixes
- * many translation updates
- Thanks to all who participated.  Looking at the Changelog file, I see
- 120+ code/translation commits and another 35+ commits just for
- translation updates.
- There were 17 distinct people who committed code.  (My scripts don't
- take into account checkins made on behalf of people without write
- access to svn, sorry!)  Thanks to everyone, but I personally want to
- highlight the numerous contributions -- in alphabetical order -- by
- Benny Malengier, Doug Blank, Espen Berg, Jérôme Rapinat, Mirko
- Leonhäuser, Nick Hall, Peter Landgren, Rob Healey, and Serge Noiraud.
* Wed Aug 11 2010 David Malcolm <dmalcolm at redhat.com> - 3.2.3-3
- recompiling .py files against Python 2.7 (rhbz#623313)
* Wed Aug 11 2010 Jeffrey C. Ollie <jeff at ocjtech.us> - 3.2.3-2
- Rebuild for Python 2.7
* Mon May 17 2010 Jeffrey C. Ollie <jeff at ocjtech.us> - 3.2.3-1.fc13
- Version 3.2.3 -- the "I used to eat there. Really good noodles." release.
- * Bug fixes:
- -> several GLADE fixes
- -> several GEDCOM fixes (both export and import)
- -> several crash fixes
- -> encoding fix (Windows only)
- -> privacy/living fixes
- -> updates to NarrativeWeb and the css stylsheets
- * Translation updates: bg, ca, de, es, fr, he, nb, nl, pl, sk, sv
* Sun Apr 25 2010 Jeffrey C. Ollie <jeff at ocjtech.us> - 3.2.2-1
- Version 3.2.2 -- the "Mea navis aëricumbens anguillis abundat" release.
- * This release is a quick fix to a problem introduced by NarrativeWeb
- in the previous release.
- * Also includes a few small fixes and translation updates to hr and it.
- * See the release notes from the 3.2.1 release for the full list of
- changes and translation updates.
* Thu Apr 22 2010 Jeffrey C. Ollie <jeff at ocjtech.us> - 3.2.1-1
- Version 3.2.1 -- the "One of those men is my father" release.
- * Many bug fixes:
- -> fixed missing icons
- -> load/reload plugins must unload old plugins
- -> import/export fixes (date ranges, underscore, latitude/longitude)
- -> narrative web crash fixes and many updates, html notes, css updates
- -> geoview fixes and updates
- -> unicode error in soundex
- -> fixed crash on data entry
- * Translation updates: bg, ca, de, es, fr, he, hr, it, nb, nl, sk, sv

  [ 1 ] Bug #599581 - [abrt] crash in gramps-3.2.2-1.fc13: raise: Process /usr/bin/python was killed by signal 6 (SIGABRT)

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program.  Use 
su -c 'yum update gramps' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

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