Fedora 12 Update: faust-0.9.10-1.fc12

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Thu Feb 18 22:35:37 UTC 2010

Fedora Update Notification
2010-02-18 16:59:17

Name        : faust
Product     : Fedora 12
Version     : 0.9.10
Release     : 1.fc12
URL         : http://faust.grame.fr/
Summary     : Compiled language for real-time audio signal processing
Description :
Faust AUdio STreams is a functional programming language for real-time audio
signal processing. Its programming model combines two approaches : functional
programming and block diagram composition. You can think of FAUST as a
structured block diagram language with a textual syntax.

FAUST is intended for developers who need to develop efficient C/C++ audio
plugins for existing systems or full standalone audio applications. Thanks to
some specific compilation techniques and powerful optimizations, the C++ code
generated by the Faust compiler is usually very fast. It can generally compete
with (and sometimes outperform) hand-written C code.

Programming with FAUST is somehow like working with electronic circuits and
signals. A FAUST program is a list of definitions that defines a signal
processor block-diagram : a piece of code that produces output signals
according to its input signals (and maybe some user interface parameters)

Update Information:

GRAME - Centre National de Creation Musicale - is happy to announce the release
of FAUST 0.9.10. This version introduces several new possibilities. It is the
first official release to offer full parallelization of the C++ code to exploit
multicore architectures, as well as automatic generation of mathematical
documentation.    What's new :  ------------    A) C++ Code Generation
------------------  - control of the floating point precision : single
(default),    double, quad  - code re-organization in simple loops to facilitate
automatic  vectorization  - automatic parallelization based on OpenMP  -
automatic parallelization based on a specific "Work-Stealing"  algorithm    B)
Mathematical Documentation  -----------------------------  - preserve on the
long term a Faust program in a purely  mathematical form, independently from
Faust or any other  programming language  - bring some help to understand and
debug a FAUST program by giving the equations of each output signals according
to the input signals and the user interface parameters.    C) Language
Extensions  ----------------------  - Sequential composition operator (A:B) has
been restricted to  expressions so that outputs(A) = inputs(B).   - User
interface labels can now contain metadata.   - User interface labels can contain
absolute and relative pathnames to better control the hierarchical structure of
the user interface.    D) New Audio Architectures  --------------------------  -
Action Script, Alsa, ChucK, CoreAudio, CSOUND, Jack, LADSPA, Matlab, MaxMSP,
Octave, OSS, PortAudio, Pure, PureData, Q, Sndfile, Snd-RT, SuperCollider,
SynthFile, VST, VSTi (mono)

* Sun Jan 31 2010 Orcan Ogetbil <oget [DOT] fedora [AT] gmail [DOT] com> - 0.9.10-1
- Update to 0.9.10

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program.  Use 
su -c 'yum update faust' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

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