Fedora 15 Update: virtaal-0.7.0-0.6.beta5.fc15

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Tue Apr 26 16:22:29 UTC 2011

Fedora Update Notification
2011-04-21 02:56:31

Name        : virtaal
Product     : Fedora 15
Version     : 0.7.0
Release     : 0.6.beta5.fc15
URL         : http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/virtaal/index
Summary     : Localization and translation editor
Description :
A program for Computer Aided Translation (CAT) and localization.

Virtaal includes features that allow a localizer to work effectively including:
syntax highlighting, autocomplete and autocorrect.  By showing only
the data that is needed through its simple and effective user interface it
ensures that translators can focus on their current translation task.

A rich set of Translation Memory (TM) plugins provide valuable suggestions to
the translator from sources such as Open-Tran.eu, the current file, and the
translators own TM server.  Similarly Machine Translation (MT) suggestions can
come from Apertium, libtranslate, Google and Moses.

The terminology plugin system will provide terminology hints from Open-Tran.eu,
local terminology files and remote terminology repositories.

Placeholders such as variables, abbreviations, URLs, emails and special
punctutions are highlighted for easy insertion into the translations.

Virtaal is able to edit any of the following formats: XLIFF, Gettext PO and
.mo, Qt .ts, .qph and .qm, Wordfast TM, TMX, OmegaT glossaries and TBX. The
Translate Toolkit converters allow translators to edit: OpenDocument
Format (ODF), OpenOffice.org SDF, Java (and Mozilla) .properties, Mozilla
DTD files, subtitles, and other formats.

Update Information:

**Update to 0.7.0 beta 5**

New features:
- Real time quality checks
- Navigate by quality checks
- New workflow state handling. Use Ctrl+Enter / Ctrl+Shift+Enter
- Navigate by workflow state (all translated, all untranslated, etc.)
- Statistics and document properties
- Project type detection to customise the quality checks
- New file formats (UTX, Haiku catkeys)
- Spell checking is now a plugin and can therefore be disabled
- Show previous msgid as a TM suggestion
User experience
- Much faster startup time
- Faster handling of placeables. We support bigger term lists now
- A better full-screen view
- Native file dialogues for KDE users
- Cleaner diffs in TM matches
- More clearly differentiate MT suggestions
- We got rid of the word "fuzzy"
- A custom Arabic logo for the welcome screen and a general RTL one
- Fixed some issues of flickering and some drawing bugs
Bugs fixed
- Open-Tran.eu works again
- Non-ASCII file names and paths should work again
- No state information (fuzzy) when the format doesn't support it
- Don't move when the user clicks Replace with no replacement
- Don't overwrite .qm files on save
- Handle cancellations and permission issues better on save/quit
- Improved error handling in the TinyTM plugin
- The lookup plugin will strip spaces to improve quoted queries.

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program.  Use 
su -c 'yum update virtaal' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

All packages are signed with the Fedora Project GPG key.  More details on the
GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at

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