Fedora 17 Update: perl-Net-IP-Match-Regexp-1.01-1.fc17

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Thu Apr 12 02:37:19 UTC 2012

Fedora Update Notification
2012-03-23 00:33:43

Name        : perl-Net-IP-Match-Regexp
Product     : Fedora 17
Version     : 1.01
Release     : 1.fc17
URL         : http://search.cpan.org/dist/Net-IP-Match-Regexp/
Summary     : Efficiently match IP addresses against ranges
Description :
This module allows you to check an IP address against one or more IP
ranges. It employs Perl's highly optimized regular expression engine to do
the hard work, so it is very fast. It is optimized for speed by doing the
match against a regexp which implicitly checks the broadest IP ranges
first. An advantage is that the regexp can be computed and stored in
advance (in source code, in a database table, etc) and reused, saving much
time if the IP ranges don't change too often. The match can optionally
report a value (e.g. a network name) instead of just a boolean, which makes
module useful for mapping IP ranges to names or codes or anything else.

Update Information:

First Fedora release.

This module allows you to check an IP address against one or more IP ranges. It employs Perl's highly optimized regular expression engine to do the hard work, so it is very fast. It is optimized for speed by doing the match against a regexp which implicitly checks the broadest IP ranges first. An advantage is that the regexp can be computed and stored in advance (in source code, in a database table, etc) and reused, saving much time if the IP ranges don't change too often. The match can optionally report a value (e.g. a network name) instead of just a boolean, which makes module useful for mapping IP ranges to names or codes or anything else.

  [ 1 ] Bug #790215 - Review Request: perl-Net-IP-Match-Regexp - Efficiently match IP addresses against ranges

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program.  Use 
su -c 'yum update perl-Net-IP-Match-Regexp' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

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