Fedora 18 Update: dovecot-2.1.15-1.fc18

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Sat Mar 9 00:00:44 UTC 2013

Fedora Update Notification
2013-02-05 16:17:16

Name        : dovecot
Product     : Fedora 18
Version     : 2.1.15
Release     : 1.fc18
URL         : http://www.dovecot.org/
Summary     : Secure imap and pop3 server
Description :
Dovecot is an IMAP server for Linux/UNIX-like systems, written with security
primarily in mind.  It also contains a small POP3 server.  It supports mail
in either of maildir or mbox formats.

The SQL drivers and authentication plug-ins are in their subpackages.

Update Information:

- doveadm acl recalc command added
- v2.1.11+ had a race condition where it sometimes overwrote data in dovecot.index.cache file. This could have caused Dovecot to return the same cached data to two different messages.
- mdbox: Fixes to handling duplicate GUIDs during index rebuild


* Tue Feb 12 2013 Michal Hlavinka <mhlavink at redhat.com> - 1:2.1.15-1
- dovecot updated to 2.1.15
- v2.1.14's dovecot.index.cache fixes caused Dovecot to use more disk I/O
  and memory than was necessary.
* Thu Jan 31 2013 Michal Hlavinka <mhlavink at redhat.com> - 1:2.1.14-1
- dovecot updated to 2.1.14
- v2.1.11+ had a race condition where it sometimes overwrote data in
  dovecot.index.cache file. This could have caused Dovecot to return
  the same cached data to two different messages.
- mdbox: Fixes to handling duplicate GUIDs during index rebuild
* Tue Jan 15 2013 Michal Hlavinka <mhlavink at redhat.com> - 1:2.1.13-1
- dovecot updated to 2.1.13
- Some fixes to cache file changes in v2.1.11.
- virtual storage: Sorting mailbox by from/to/cc/bcc didn't work.
* Mon Dec  3 2012 Michal Hlavinka <mhlavink at redhat.com> - 1:2.1.12-1
- dovecot updated to 2.1.12
- lmtp proxy: Fixed hanging if remote server was down.
- doveadm: Various fixes to handling doveadm-server connections.
- auth: passdb imap was broken in v2.1.10.

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program.  Use 
su -c 'yum update dovecot' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

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