Fedora 21 Update: php-horde-kronolith-4.2.5-1.fc21

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Mon Feb 23 08:01:00 UTC 2015

Fedora Update Notification
2015-02-14 23:25:10

Name        : php-horde-kronolith
Product     : Fedora 21
Version     : 4.2.5
Release     : 1.fc21
URL         : http://www.horde.org/apps/kronolith
Summary     : A web based calendar
Description :
Kronolith is the Horde calendar application. It provides web-based
calendars backed by a SQL database or a Kolab server. Supported features
include Ajax and mobile interfaces, shared calendars, remote calendars,
invitation management (iCalendar/iTip), free/busy management, resource
management, alarms, recurring events, and a sophisticated day/week view
which handles arbitrary numbers of overlapping events.

Update Information:

horde 5.2.4
* [mms] Make dynamic context menus scrollable if taller than the browser screen height (Bug #13833).
* [jan] Fix horde-import-squirrelmail-prefs script (Bug #13780).
* [jan] Don't instantiate notification system for RPC requests.

imp 6.2.7
* [jan] Fix regression with not being able to list users (Bug #13808).
* [mms] Fix rebuilding the folder tree translations when the language is changed in a session (Bug #13821).

ingo 3.2.4
* [mms] Rate-limit filters drag/drop changes to prevent race conditions (Bug #13819).
* [mms] Fix filter drag/drop ordering working in basic view (Bug #13820).
* [mms] Maildir requires UTF7-IMAP encoding for folder names (Bug #13378).

turba 4.2.5
* [jan] Fix export format of tags to vCard 3.0 categories (Bug #13800).

kronolith 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix generating calendar embed code (Bug #13828).
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole calendars when PUTing individual events via WebDAV.

nag 4.2.4
* [jan] Don't list task lists without SHOW permissions (Bug #13837).
* [jan] Use consistent checkbox.
* [jan] Don't allow deletion of tasks with sub-tasks (Bug #13809).
* [jan] Don't allow completion of tasks with incomplete sub-tasks and vice versa.
* [jan] Don't wipe out whole task lists when PUTing individual tasks via WebDAV.

mnemo 4.2.5
* [mjr] Fix fatal error when using Mnemo without Nag installed.
* [jan] Don't list notepads without SHOW permissions (Bug #13838).
* [jan] Fix using custom SQL driver configuration.
* [mjr] Fix truncation of body text when synchronizing over EAS when no truncationsize option is sent from client (Bug #13755).

Horde_Alarm 2.2.4
* [mms] Fix fatal errors when stored alarm data cannot be unserialized.

Horde_Core 2.19.0
* [jan] Fix notice when deleting identities.
* [jan] Fix NoSQL database name setting getting lost during configuration.
* [jan] Allow to configure multiple LDAP servers and timeout value.
* [mjr] Fixes for using ActiveSync without email sync enabled on Android 5 (Niklas Forsdahl <niklas at creamarketing.com>).
* [mms] Calling an application's changeLanguage method on language change now handled by Horde_Registry.
* [jan] Support non-ascii latin characters as access keys.
* [mms] Use more secure CBC block cipher mode when storing encrypted Blowfish data inside the session.
* [mms] If compressing/packaging javascript files, don't use pre-compressed version (if one exists) when generating.

Horde_Crypt 2.5.3
* [jan] Make all PGP features locale-independent.

Horde_HashTable 1.2.2
* [jan] Add unit tests for Memcache and Redis backends.

Horde_Image 2.2.0
* [mjr] Improve stream handling in bundled EXIF driver (Request #13788).
* [mms] Horde_Image_Exif_Bundled now supports reading data from a PHP stream, rather than a file.

Horde_Ldap 2.3.1
* [jan] Fix connection if using ldaps:// scheme (Bug #13858).

Horde_Ldap 2.3.0
* [jan] Fix error when using custom separators in Horde_Ldap_Utils::canonicalDN().
* [jan] Fix casefolding option not being passed to multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Fix exists() with multivalued RDNs.
* [jan] Add 'timeout' parameter.

Horde_Prefs 2.7.2
* [mms] Removed unused 'password' parameter.

Horde_Rpc 2.1.3
* [jan] Fix return errors from jsonrpc requests.

Horde_Stream_Wrapper 2.1.2
* [mms] Fix possible infinite loop when reading from a combined stream.

Horde_Test 2.5.0
* [mjr] Add method to obtain all logged events.

Horde_Util 2.5.3
* [jan] Use grapheme functions in Horde_String if intl extension is available.

Horde_Vfs 2.2.2
* [jan] Fix updating quota when overwriting existing files.
* [jan] Fix updating quota when using writeData() with FTP driver.
* [jan] Fix setting permissions in Ssh2 driver (Bug #13783).


* Tue Feb 10 2015 Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org> - 4.2.5-1
- Update to 4.2.5
- add provides php-composer(horde/kronolith)
* Wed Dec  3 2014 Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org> - 4.2.4-1
- Update to 4.2.4

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program.  Use
su -c 'yum update php-horde-kronolith' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

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