Fedora 23 Update: gap-pkg-sonata-2.8-2.fc23

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Mon Nov 23 00:28:44 UTC 2015

Fedora Update Notification
2015-11-22 23:42:22.950600

Name        : gap-pkg-sonata
Product     : Fedora 23
Version     : 2.8
Release     : 2.fc23
URL         : http://www.algebra.uni-linz.ac.at/Sonata/
Summary     : GAP package for systems of nearrings
Description :
SONATA stands for "systems of nearrings and their applications".  It
provides methods for the construction and the analysis of finite
nearrings.  A left nearring is an algebra (N;+,*), where (N,+) is a (not
necessarily abelian) group, (N,*) is a semigroup, and x*(y+z) = x*y + x*z
holds for all x,y,z in N.

As a typical example of a nearring, we may consider the set of all
mappings from a group G into G, where the addition is the pointwise
addition of mappings in G, and the multiplication is composition of
functions.  If functions are written on the right of their arguments,
then the left distributive law holds, while the right distributive law
is not satisfied for non-trivial G.

The SONATA package provides methods for the construction and analysis of
finite nearrings.
1. Methods for constructing all endomorphisms and all fixed-point-free
   automorphisms of a given group.
2. Methods for constructing the following nearrings of functions on a
   group G:
   - the nearring of polynomial functions of G (in the sense of
   - the nearring of compatible functions of G;
   - distributively generated nearrings such as I(G), A(G), E(G);
   - centralizer nearrings.
3. A library of all small nearrings (up to order 15) and all small
   nearrings with identity (up to order 31).
4. Functions to obtain solvable fixed-point-free automorphism groups on
   abelian groups, nearfields, planar nearrings, as well as designs from
5. Various functions to study the structure (size, ideals, N-groups, ...)
   of nearrings, to determine properties of nearring elements, and to
   decide whether two nearrings are isomorphic.
6. If the package XGAP is installed, the lattices of one- and two-sided
   ideals of a nearring can be studied interactively using a graphical

Update Information:

  gap-4.7.8-3.fc23  - Use file triggers - Rebuild documentation from source -
Compress files in parallel - Unpack the tools archive   GAPDoc-1.5.1-8.fc23  -
Minimize LaTeX dependencies - Drop scriptlets; gap-core now uses rpm file
triggers - Rebuild documentation from source   gap-pkg-autodoc-2015.09.30-1.fc23
- New upstream version - Update URLs - Drop scriptlets; gap-core now uses rpm
file triggers - Rebuild documentation from source   gap-pkg-autpgrp-1.6-3.fc23
- Drop scriptlets; gap-core now uses rpm file triggers - Rebuild documentation
from source   gap-pkg-carat-2.1.4-2.fc23  - Drop scriptlets; gap-core now uses
rpm file triggers - Rebuild documentation from source   gap-pkg-
congruence-1.1.1-2.fc23  - Drop scriptlets; gap-core now uses rpm file triggers
- Rebuild documentation from source - Turn test failures into build failures
gap-pkg-edim-1.3.2-3.fc23  - Drop scriptlets; gap-core now uses rpm file
triggers - Rebuild documentation from source - Turn test failures into build
failures   gap-pkg-fga-1.3.0-2.fc23  - Drop scriptlets; gap-core now uses rpm
file triggers - Rebuild documentation from source - Turn test failures into
build failures   gap-pkg-polymaking-0.8.1-3.fc23  - Drop scriptlets; gap-core
now uses rpm file triggers - Rebuild documentation from source - Add -output
patch to fix misparsed polymake output   xgap-4.23-11.fc23  - Simplify
scriptlets; gap-core now uses rpm file triggers - Rebuild documentation from
source   gap-pkg-io-4.4.4-3.fc23  - Drop scriptlets; gap-core now uses rpm file
triggers - Rebuild documentation from source - Turn test failures into build
failures   gap-pkg-polycyclic-2.11-4.fc23  - Drop scriptlets; gap-core now uses
rpm file triggers - Rebuild documentation from source - Turn test failures into
build failures   gap-pkg-sonata-2.8-2.fc23  - Drop scriptlets; gap-core now uses
rpm file triggers - Rebuild documentation from source - Compress files in
parallel   gap-pkg-alnuth-3.0.0-4.fc23  - Drop scriptlets; gap-core now uses rpm
file triggers - Rebuild documentation from source - Turn test failures into
build failures   gap-pkg-browse-1.8.6-4.fc23  - Drop scriptlets; gap-core now
uses rpm file triggers - Rebuild documentation from source   gap-pkg-
cryst-4.1.12-2.fc23  - Drop scriptlets; gap-core now uses rpm file triggers -
Rebuild documentation from source   gap-pkg-nq-2.5.1-2.fc23  - Drop scriptlets;
gap-core now uses rpm file triggers - Rebuild documentation from source - Turn
test failures into build failures   gap-pkg-atlasrep-1.5.0-4.fc23  - Drop
scriptlets; gap-core now uses rpm file triggers - Rebuild documentation from
source   gap-pkg-crystcat-1.1.6-2.fc23  - Drop scriptlets; gap-core now uses rpm
file triggers - Rebuild documentation from source   gap-pkg-radiroot-2.7-3.fc23
- Drop scriptlets; gap-core now uses rpm file triggers - Rebuild documentation
from source - Turn test failures into build failures   gap-pkg-aclib-1.2-3.fc23
- Drop scriptlets; gap-core now uses rpm file triggers - Rebuild documentation
from source   gap-pkg-orb-4.7.3-2.fc23  - Drop scriptlets; gap-core now uses rpm
file triggers - Rebuild documentation from source - Turn test failures into
build failures   gap-pkg-tomlib-1.2.5-5.fc23  - Drop scriptlets; gap-core now
uses rpm file triggers - Rebuild documentation from source - Turn test failures
into build failures   gap-pkg-ctbllib-1.2.2-5.fc23  - Drop scriptlets; gap-core
now uses rpm file triggers - Rebuild documentation from source - Turn test
failures into build failures   gap-pkg-spinsym-1.5-3.fc23  - Drop scriptlets;
gap-core now uses rpm file triggers - Rebuild documentation from source - Turn
test failures into build failures

  [ 1 ] Bug #1276801 - gap-pkg-autodoc-2015.09.30. is available

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program. Use
su -c 'yum update gap-pkg-sonata' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at https://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

All packages are signed with the Fedora Project GPG key.  More details on the
GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at

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