Fedora 23 Update: gmusicbrowser-1.1.15-1.fc23

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Fri Sep 18 19:42:06 UTC 2015

Fedora Update Notification
2015-09-18 18:29:10.322591

Name        : gmusicbrowser
Product     : Fedora 23
Version     : 1.1.15
Release     : 1.fc23
URL         : http://gmusicbrowser.org/
Summary     : Jukebox for large collections of music files
Description :
Jukebox for large collections of music files
Uses gstreamer, mpg321/ogg123/flac123  or mplayer for playback
Main features :
- customizable window layouts
- artist/album lock : easily restrict playlist to current artist/album
- easy access to related songs (same artist/album/title)
- simple mass-tagging and mass-renaming
- support multiple genres for each song
- customizable labels can be set for each song
- filters with unlimited nesting of conditions
- customizable weighted random mode

Update Information:

Main changes since v1.1.14 :  * replace gmb icon with the svg icon made by
zeltak * add mpv output * add "high priority" keyboard shortcuts * add embedded
pictures tab to song property dialog * when adding a song, check if it is
already in the library with an old filename * PictureBrowser: improve navigation
of the folder pane * PictureBrowser: add folder icons to folder pane *
PictureBrowser: keep scaled size constant when changing picture *
PictureBrowser: add "paste link" to context menu * activate "accent-insensitive"
search on file, folder and comment fields * optimize function that remove
"accents" (diacritic) * add star pictures option for rating fields * add option
for label-like and rating fields to have a submenu in song context menu * add
option to show/hide extension to title_or_file field (defaults to hide) * update
google image parser * various equalizer improvements * use internal equalizer
presets rather than gstreamer's (with option to sync with gstreamer's) *
mplayer: use slave mode to improve the transition between songs * picture finder
plugin: add DuckDuckGo search engine * add Shuffle command * use title_or_file
instead of title for choose-songs menus * make middle-click on stop and quit
button set the after queue action * make middle-click on Artist and Album Lock
enqueue the artist or album * make filename sorting in PictureBrowser number-
aware * add "Row number" column for SongList * add "Append to playlist" to song
context menu when in list mode * show artist in addition to title in recent
songs menu * fix setting master filter not working properly * mplayer: fix
"Failed to open ~/.mplayer/input.conf" error * fix setting replaygain value with
decimals not working with perl <5.20 when using locales that don't use dot as
decimal separator * fix songs with no label/genre not matching negative
label/genre filters * fix "0" appearing in "artists" tab for unknown artists *
lastfm plugin: give up sending now-playing when the song is no longer playing *
translations updates: Finnish, French, German, Korean, Malay (Malaysia)

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program. Use
su -c 'yum update gmusicbrowser' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at https://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

All packages are signed with the Fedora Project GPG key.  More details on the
GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at

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