Fedora 23 Update: php-nette-utils-2.3.8-1.fc23

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Tue Apr 26 20:57:47 UTC 2016

Fedora Update Notification
2016-04-26 16:44:53.220459

Name        : php-nette-utils
Product     : Fedora 23
Version     : 2.3.8
Release     : 1.fc23
URL         : https://github.com/nette/utils
Summary     : Nette Utility Classes
Description :
Nette Utility Classes.

To use this library, you just have to add, in your project:
  require_once '/usr/share/php/Nette/Utils/autoload.php';';

Update Information:

**Nette Framework version 2.3.10**  *    composer.json: relaxed dependencies to
~2.3.x *    Http\RequestFactory: Fixed possible remoteAddr spoofing (issue
nette/http#87) *    PresenterFactory: added possibility to configure mapping via
array *    Presenter: isLinkCurrent is compatible with PHP 7 typehints *
RouteList: added warmupCache() *    JsonResponse: sends utf-8 charset *
DI\ContainerBuilder: unused parameters check when generating factory *
DI\Compiler: support for removing services via 'name: no' *    Mail\Message:
improved regexp for seaching embedded images *    SafeStream: unregister
protocols in cleaner way *    Html::__toString() prints better error message *
Latte: exception 'Template is not valid UTF-8 stream' provides line number *
Latte: supports PHP 7 coalesce operator *    Tracy\Bar: added CPU usage to info
panel *    TracyExtension: added option 'showBar'  ---  **Application 2.3.12**
*    PresenterFactory: added possibility to configure mapping via array; thanks
@achse #101 #119 *    Presenter: isLinkCurrent is compatible with PHP 7
typehints #126 *    RouteList: added warmupCache() *    JsonResponse: sends
utf-8 charset #120 *    RoutingPanel: fixed displaying of empty mask ''  ---
**Di 2.3.10**  *    PhpReflection::expandClassName() added support for @return
$this *    ContainerBuilder: unused parameters check when generating factory *
Compiler: support for removing services via 'name: no' *
PhpReflection::parseUseStatemenets(): class in use can contain leading \ #97 *
ContainerPanel: ob_start() is protected against flush when error occurs  ---
**Http 2.3.6**  *    RequestFactory: Fixed possible remoteAddr spoofing (issue
#87) *    SessionPanel: ob_start() is protected against flush when error occurs
---  **Mail 2.3.5**  *    Message: improved regexp for seaching embedded images
#25  ---  **Reflection 2.3.2**  *    AnnotationsParser::parsePhp() Return also
classes without annotations *    Method: self replaced with static  ---  **Safe-
stream 2.3.2**  *    SafeStream: unregister protocols in cleaner way #6  ---
**Utils 2.3.8**  *    ArrayHash: fixed bug in ArrayIterator #103 *
Html::__toString() prints better error message *    Image: ob_start() is
protected to be not flushable  ---  **Tester 1.7.1**  *    Tester itself is
tested on AppVeyor (Windows CI) *    Dumper     *    dumpException() stores
strings when maxLength is exceeded     *    dumpException() improved searching
for Assert method invocation     *    Dumper::color() uses simple color escape
codes (AppVeyor compatibility) *    Environment: removes output buffers on
shutdown before error message is print *    Assert::error() fixed that
restore_error_handler() isn't working when called from the error handler which
throws exception *    FileMock: read/write modes behave more like ordinary
filesystem  ---  **Latte 2.3.10**  *    Engine: reverted "throws
CompileException when template contains parse error" *    BlockMacros: store
includingBlock flag in the template global storage when including file using
includeblock macro *    Parser: exception 'Template is not valid UTF-8 stream'
provides line number *    MacroTokens: added null coalesce operator; PhpWriter:
quoteFilter recognizes null coalesce operator *    ob_start() is protected
against flush when error occurs  ---  **Tracy 2.3.11**  *    Debugger: flushes
(not cleans) output buffers before Bar is rendered *    Bar: added CPU usage to
info panel #144 *    Dumper: fix possible E_NOTICE #141 *    TracyExtension:
added option 'showBar' *    ob_start() is protected against flush when error

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program. Use
su -c 'yum update php-nette-utils' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at https://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

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GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at

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