[Fwd: Re: [Fedora-packaging] Lisp packaging draft]

Toshio Kuratomi a.badger at gmail.com
Tue Jan 29 17:26:30 UTC 2008

Hey Anthony,  It just occurred to me that you might not be on the 
packaging list so I thought I better resend this to you.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Fedora-packaging] Lisp packaging draft
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 17:42:33 -0800
From: Toshio Kuratomi <a.badger at gmail.com>
To: Discussion of RPM packaging standards and practices for Fedora 
<fedora-packaging at redhat.com>
References: <4791022A.2080103 at redhat.com>

Anthony Green wrote:
> For your review...
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackagingDrafts/Lisp
Cool.  Thanks for taking charge of this.

A bit of feedback:  High level:
* The guidelines need to be written so that a reviewer can effectively
use them to decide if a package is conforming.  This means that you
might have to explain things that the packager will understand (since
they come from a lisp background) but the reviewer might not.

* What is adsf?  Is it a format or a utility?  If the former, how do we
get libraries into that format, if the latter, how and when do we invoke it?
* What differentiates a lisp library from another piece of lisp?
* How do the various register/unregister commands translate to
%post/%preun scriptlets?
* What package are the register/unregister commands provided in?
* What package provides /usr/lib/common-lisp?
* What package provides /usr/share/common-lisp?
* Why do we use /usr/lib/common-lisp instead of /usr/libexec/common-lisp?
* What are fasls?
* What provides /var/cache/common-lisp-controller?
* What is being created in
/var/cache/common-lisp-controller/<userid>/<implementation>/<library>/ ?
* What creates those directories?  Who creates those directories?
* You mention compiling of libraries.  Where do those get dropped on the
system?  What are the commands to generate those during %build?
* It looks like some of the Debian Guidelines aren't going necessary for
Fedora... for instance::
    - register-common-lisp-source:
    does nothing
In Fedora, we try to avoid doing things that are no-ops.

I'm sure there will be more questions after these are answered and
incorporated into your draft :-)


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