[Fedora-packaging] Revised systemd Guidelines

Ville Skyttä ville.skytta at iki.fi
Thu Dec 2 22:04:47 UTC 2010

On Wednesday 01 December 2010, Tom Callaway wrote:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/TomCallaway/Systemd_Revised_Draft
> Please look it over and give any feedback.

I haven't educated myself much at all about systemd, and didn't read the draft 
completely, but here are some comments:

| BusName= should be set for all services connecting to D-Bus. (i.e. it is a
| must for those where Type=dbus, but might make sense otherwise, too) Omit
| this option if your service does not take a name on the bus.

Should the "the bus" at the end be replaced by "D-Bus" or "a bus" or "any bus" 
or "the bus specified with Type=..." or...?  Not sure exactly what bus does it 

| ExecReload= should be specified for all services supporting reload. It is
| highly recommended to add code here that synchronously reloads the
| configuration file here (i.e. /bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID is usually a poor
| choice, due to its asynchronous nature). Omit this option if your service
| does not support reloading.

Does this mean that services that do support reloading but only asynchronously 
should not include this option?  I guess not, i.e. asynch reload is better 
than no reload?  If that's correct, explicitly mentioning that would be an 

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