[Fedora-packaging] Missing 'Provides:' from rpmdeps, apparently?

John Pye john.pye at anu.edu.au
Tue Dec 18 05:24:03 UTC 2012

Hi Toshi, and thanks for your suggestions:

On 18/12/12 15:35, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 02:15:14PM +1100, John Pye wrote:
>> Can anyone set me straight on what is going on here?  (One thing that
>> I notice is that shared libraries in Ubuntu use 644 mode, but Fedora
>> 17 uses 755. But I believe I've corrected for that using %defattr.
> What happens if you use chmod 0755 %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/lib*so*
> in %install ?  I haven't checked recently but traditionally, the provides
> and requires scripts only checked shared libraries that were mode 0755.

This was the right solution. Indeed, the 'find-provides' or 'rpmdeps' 
stuff only works if the shared library .so files are installed with the 
executable bit set. It's *not* enough to use '%defattr' in the %files 

I couldn't find this fact mentioned ANYWHERE in the documentation, FWIW, 
and it's especially a concern/difficulty since this +x marking is 
different from the practice on Debian systems.

>> Also I am getting automatically-generated dependencies on /bin/sh
> One reason for this is that you have %post and %postun scripts.  Those
> automaticaly use /bin/sh as the interpreter unless told otherwise.
> Since you only call ldconfig there, you could do them like ths instead:
> %post -p /sbin/ldoncifg
> That will invoke /bin/ldconfig directly without the need of the shell.
> However:

That seems to be a good idea, and replaces the 'sh' dependency with 
'/sbin/ldconfig' instead.

>> and
>> /usr/bin/env that I am surprised by)
> This likely means that you're installing a script somewhere that has
> /usr/bin/env in its shebang line that rpm is finding.

Actually what was happening here is that I have a 'freesteam-config' 
script that starts with "#!/usr/bin/env python". Should I ideally change 
that script to start with #!/usr/bin/python, or is the /usr/bin/env 
approach considered acceptable, and I just add "Requires: python" for 
the devel package instead?



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