[Fedora-packaging] Moving non-guideline stuff out of guidelines

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at math.uh.edu
Fri Mar 22 17:31:05 UTC 2013

>>>>> "SO" == Stanislav Ochotnicky <sochotnicky at redhat.com> writes:

SO> Goal is of course not to circumvent Fedora policies but make sure
SO> that guidelines contain the policy, whereas real documentation
SO> contains descriptions of how to do things. In other words guidelines
SO> should IMO contain *what* (not) to do, and other documents should
SO> tell packagers *how* to do it.

Yes, of course, this is an excellent idea.  Too much stuff in the
guidelines not only bloats them beyond reason but makes it difficult to
make changes to what should be easily editable documentation.

What's important to keep is enough information so that packagers
understand what they should do, and reviewers can tell if what they're
seeing is done correctly.  Pretty much everything else should be outside
the guidelines.

 - J<

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