[Fedora-packaging] Convert 64bit DEB to RPM - dependency errors

Michael Hall mike at mjhall.org
Sat May 4 03:06:32 UTC 2013

I am attempting to repackage a DEB version of the Lightworks video editor
as an RPM for Fedora 18 (x86_64).
I have unpacked the DEB file and copied the contents of data.tar.gz (/usr
and subdirectories) to my BUILDROOT directory.
Then I created a spec file which basically just specifies package info and
the %files section.
The RPM builds OK but does not install due to dependency errors.
The dependencies are all actually in the RPM itself, as the Lightworks DEB
package includes its own versions of needed libraries in
Obviously, the RPM doesn't know about this.
Apparently Debian doesn't use the /usr/lib64 location for 64 bit libraries.
The problem may have something to do with this, or ldconfig or similar.
Adding /sbin/ldconfig to a %post section has made no difference.
Putting the libraries in either /usr/lib or /usr/lib64 in the RPM also
hasn't fixed the issue
Any suggestions on how I can resolve this?
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