rpm perl.prov/perl.req issues

Steven Pritchard steve at silug.org
Mon Aug 1 19:52:58 UTC 2005

I've had this trivial bug in perl.req sitting in bugzilla (with a
patch and everything) for quite some time...


Now we've run across a minor bug in perl.prov...  (Description here,
although it needs its own bug opened...)


I think the fix for this one is pretty trivial as well, but, to be
honest, I'm not terribly motivated to spend the time on the fix if it
is going to be ignored indefinitely in bugzilla...

So, I swear I'm not trying to whine, but is there someone with
sufficient access to Core CVS who will apply the fixes for these
issues if I create/update patches?

Steven Pritchard - K&S Pritchard Enterprises, Inc.
Email: steve at kspei.com             http://www.kspei.com/
Phone: (618)398-3000               Mobile: (618)567-7320

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