Remove perl-RPM2 from FC (and maybe perl-XML-Encoding, perl-Parse-Yapp?)

Ville Skyttä ville.skytta at
Thu Nov 10 21:02:39 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-11-10 at 11:12 -0500, Warren Togami wrote:
> Can we remove perl-RPM2 from FC?  AFAICT nothing depends on it and I 
> haven't seen anyone actually rely on it.
> Any objections from the Fedora Perl Devel team?

None here.

While at it, if you feel like pruning more perl-* packages from FC5, it
seems to me that as a result of the perl-libxml-enno
drop/split-and-move-to-extras (#128879), perl-XML-Encoding doesn't have
any deps in Core nor Extras, and perl-Parse-Yapp is needed only in

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