Non-noarch perl packages and $RPM_OPT_FLAGS

Ralf Corsepius rc040203 at
Tue Oct 4 04:28:08 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-10-03 at 23:22 +0300, Ville Skyttä wrote:

> So, opinions, what should we do about it?
> - Discourage overriding optimization flags and use ones from Perl in all
> arch dependent module packages (thus rendering "rpmbuild --target" with
> them probably useless),

>  or
> - Leave things as is with the above redundancy cleanup to the spec
> template applied
No. IMO, the current (redundant) template is "just wrong" for MakeMaker
based packages.

>  (IOW, some packages honor --target, some don't), or
> - Try to find a way to override the optimzation flags for packages using
> Module::Build too, possibly patch/file bugs against upstream M::B, or
> - Your idea here?
Encourage Perl to abandon Module::Build.

IMO, it is a broken [1] and sadly implemented concept [2] ;)


a) Same fundamental flaw as imake: Centralized config lookup table.
b) Controversial concept: Stateful build-scripts, instead of file

[2] Try this with perl-Pod-Coverage:

perl Makefile.PL installdirs=vendor OPTIMIZE="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS"

It works ;)

Watching its build-log indicates that 
./Build.PL installdirs=vendor config="optimize=$RPM_OPT_FLAGS"
probably is what you want, if want you really want to avoid the

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