The next time you need to build a stack of modules...

Steven Pritchard steve at
Thu May 18 20:50:09 UTC 2006

There is a new option in cpanspec 1.66 (which should land in Extras
soon), --follow.  The next time you need to build a package for a
module, you might want to try something like this:

  cpanspec -v --follow Some::Module

When you specify --follow, cpanspec checks every BuildRequires that
can be automatically determined from the module to see if it is
available on the system ("rpm -q --whatprovides perl($module)") or in
the configured repositories ("repoquery --whatprovides
perl($module)").  If not, it adds it to the list of modules to

I just tried this with OpenFrame (something I manually built all the
dependencies for a while back), and it looks like I'm down to 5
required modules that aren't in Extras already.

Steven Pritchard - K&S Pritchard Enterprises, Inc.
Email: steve at   
Phone: (618)398-3000               Mobile: (618)567-7320

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