Perl splitting

Robin Norwood rnorwood at
Mon May 14 15:19:08 UTC 2007

Ralf Corsepius <rc040203 at> writes:


>>  the BuildRequires will be wrong, and the module
>> > authors will understandably be very annoyed with me, and will probably
>> > yell at me.
> I have no idea what you are referring to. 

I think the threading got broken here.  This was me speaking, and I
meant to say 'package owners' instead of 'module authors'.

> In case a user complains about an srpm you maintain not being
> rebuildable, you (the rpm-maintainer) can choose to fix it (essentially
> what "grandfathering" means - Fix upon request or need) or ignore this
> complaint.
> In case an rpm's maintainer complains when he rebuilds a package he had
> not touched for ages. Shall he update his spec, like he would have been
> forced to do during a mass rebuild.

And he'll yell at me, probably.  I'm ok with this.

>> >> 2. Such issues could easily be approached by a perl-SWAT team, but ...
> I find it remarkable that none of you commented on this.

Are you volunteering to start one?  I'll be happy to help as much as I
can, time permitting. :-)


Robin Norwood
Red Hat, Inc.

"The Sage does nothing, yet nothing remains undone."
-Lao Tzu, Te Tao Ching

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