More on perl for F7

Robin Norwood rnorwood at
Fri May 18 13:41:51 UTC 2007

Ralf Corsepius <rc040203 at> writes:

> On Thu, 2007-05-17 at 10:09 -0700, Chris Weyl wrote:
>> On 5/17/07, Ralf Corsepius <rc040203 at> wrote:
>> > > This could at least stabilize things for F7 -- everything is present
>> > > the way it was in fc6,
>> > Exactly: No progress.
>> >
>> > Development-wise a step backwards.
>> At least this way we'd get a chance to take a breath, address concerns
>> that a number of people have with this, and plan for F8 in a sensible
>> way.
> <Sigh/> Red Hat, you've had all of your chances in your hands, but you
> missed them - once again.

It's a compromise.  It's not perfect, but it makes forward progress
without annoying too many people.  Like I said, we can work on fixing it
better early in the F8 cycle this time, rather than so late in the F7

And, don't say "Red Hat" - that's pointless, because there's no personal
responsibility when you blame an entire company.  If you want to point
fingers, blame me, because it was my call.


Robin Norwood
Red Hat, Inc.

"The Sage does nothing, yet nothing remains undone."
-Lao Tzu, Te Tao Ching

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