Fedora to CPAN mapping...

Chris Weyl cweyl at alumni.drew.edu
Tue May 22 04:32:51 UTC 2007

Hey all --

So I took a first shot at a "Fedora to CPAN" mapping script.  It's
extremely basic right now, and  I blatantly stole the page style from
cvs.fedora.redhat.com and the icons from the wiki.  However, the table
itself is at the point where I thought I'd throw it out there for
feedback.  Release early, release often, right?

A couple caveats:

* packages / owners are pulled from owners.list in cvs
* package version in Fedora is determined via the spec, also pulled from cvs
* I have a widescreen monitor, so the table may be too wide for some
* core packages ( < F-7 ) aren't taken into account

Pulling from cvs isn't optimal, but it works for now.  There's still a
bunch more to be done, e.g.:

* a "quicklink" to open bugs (rt and bz)
* overall statistics would be neat
* per-owner statistics would also be neat
* something to make it more difficult for the email addys to be "harvested"

Anyways.  Suggestions, feedback, and civil criticism welcome and requested :)


Chris Weyl
Ex astris, scientia

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