CPAN -> fedora mapping update!

Chris Weyl cweyl at
Mon Nov 26 01:00:55 UTC 2007

Hey all --

I put some additional work into the CPAN->Fedora mapping tools over
Thanksgiving break...

* version info is now pulled from koji
* version in testing, if available, is published
* versions pre F-7 are not pulled (working to fix this)
* data is now stored in a backend db
* upstream-querying is now modular, so querying other upstreams (e.g.
for non-perl) should just be a matter of writing the correct backend
extension and providing a way to determine it should be used against a

The page is still up out at

Note I consider the page a stop-gap; next time I get some cycles I'll
probably give Catalyst a whirl and see if I can't make something nice
and dynamic to present it :)  Note also there are CSS issues; I've
asked the infrastructure list to set me right.  I'm also looking to
leverage a greater integration with koji and the packagedb as
opportunities present themselves.

The code is out under the camelus hosted project[1]  It's still early,
mildly slap-dash and requires a bunch of modules not yet available in
Fedora (a number of MooseX ones and DBIx::Class spring to mind).
Patches / comments / collaboration quite welcome :)



Chris Weyl
Ex astris, scientia

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