Fedora perl modules listing / etc

Chris Weyl cweyl at alumni.drew.edu
Sat Oct 13 20:46:59 UTC 2007

Hey all --

So, I'm not dead yet :)  I've subjugated most of the things in Real
Life that have kept me (mostly) quiet for the last couple months, and
am starting to pick up things again.  It'll be a while before I'm
fully up to speed, but there's not much I can do about that...

Anyways, comcast seems to hate me now, but as I managed to acquire
"real" web hosting I have the perl modules list running and updating


I've also begun VERY preliminary work to tie into the Package DB for
such things as package listings, ownership, etc, etc.  As a result the
list of packages correctly reflects the list of perl packages in the
Fedora universe, and where people's email addys once were there are
now packagedb userids.

The script that generates this (check-cpan) and a collection of Fedora
modules to "ease" interfacing with our infrastructure tools is kept in
the camelus fedora-hosted project.  The code is embarassingly MESSY --
and I plan on taking a machete to it soon -- but in the interested of
"release early, release often" it's all out there.



Chris Weyl
Ex astris, scientia

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