Communication between upstream maintainers and downstream distributors

Gabor Szabo szabgab at
Wed Aug 27 08:32:44 UTC 2008

On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 9:49 AM, Marcela Maslanova <mmaslano at> wrote:
> Gabor Szabo wrote:
>> hi,
> Hello,
>> this is the place closes to RedHat that that I know where I can
>> actualy find people.
>> Please take a look at the rants from Nicholas here
>> and here
> thanks I read them both. Unfortunately that still doesn't fix whole issue.
> I'm still working on it.
>> Can you please help with further improving the communication between the
>> RedHat/Fedora Perl maintainers on one hand and the P5P on the other hand?
> I signed into p5p and I and my colleague were already solving some issues at
> cpan bugzilla.

Thanks for the quick action.

Another post regarding RedHat and Perl:

>> Can you please forward this to the Perl maintainers of RedHat?


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