Updates site updates...

Marcela Maslanova mmaslano at redhat.com
Thu Aug 28 11:24:03 UTC 2008

Chris Weyl wrote:
> Hey all --
> Just a quick note before I toddle off to bed.
> I've updated the updates site to use the fedora.css styling rather
> than the older, original model.  This not only complies with the goal
> of having one common fedora stylesheet, but also deals rather nicely
> with the disappearance of the old-school sheets in the infamous
> infrastructure incident.
> Also, after a little prodding, I've extended the upstream code to
> check php-pear packages.  It's still rudimentary, and only includes
> one upstream source rather than the several available, but it's in
> there.
> Some things surrounding the by-user queries are broken at the moment.
> Also, there's no easy way to search for packages, or list out non-perl
> packages -- except via per-user listings: e.g:
> http://perl.biggerontheinside.net/users/show/cweyl
> As always:  http://perl.biggerontheinside.net/packages/
>                                -Chris
That's cool project. I really like it.

Marcela Mašláňová
BaseOS team Brno

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