Adding Padre to Fedora

Gabor Szabo szabgab at
Fri Aug 29 13:46:22 UTC 2008

2008/8/29 Marcela Maslanova <mmaslano at>:
> I try to find solution for missing shared objects on internet, but I found
> only your question on the same problem ;-) Could be possible that Wx is
> broken? There are some seriously looking bugs at
> I hope that you found out at conference and now I go to test your new
> version of padre.

Hi Marcela,

as a start you can try to download the binary version of Padre
so at least we'll know if that works in Fedora.

BTW 0.06 has been released with a slightly different set of prereqs.

Wx is indeed difficult to install and I don't have much knowledge about it.
Maybe you could post the errors on the wxperl mailing list

Maybe Dave Cross can also help, though he is not a Wx person but he knows
a few things about Perl and Fedora.


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