Packaging CPAN modules for Fedora, the Oslo QA Hackathon, CPAN::Porters

Gabor Szabo szabgab at
Wed Mar 12 18:55:15 UTC 2008

On 11 Mar 2008 14:18:07 -0500, Jason L Tibbitts III <tibbs at> wrote:
> >>>>> "DC" == Dave Cross <dave at> writes:
>  DC> I've always had a sneaking suspicion that what I've got are good
>  DC> enough for me, but not for Fedora's repositories.
>  Well, modern cpanspec generates pretty good specs.  Generally what you
>  need to do is verify the license (which unfortunately seems to be the
>  most time-consuming bit these days), change the License: tag
>  appropriately,

As Dave mentioned earlier the CPANTS project is trying to measure
various "kwalitees" of the modules. Among other things it checks if both the
META.yaml and the source code has licenses. I am sure the current way of
checking it has some flaws but I am also sure the CPANTS project will reduce
your work by eliminating some of the issues you encounter.

So if you do find a module with problematic licenses it would be great
if you could
check if CPANTS has also caught that issue.
If yes, you can point that out to the author.
If not, please ping Thomas Klausner, the CPANTS developer or one of his helpers
e.g. me so we can improve the metric used.


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