DBIx::Class and minimum perl requirements (especially EPEL)

Nigel Metheringham nigel.metheringham at dev.intechnology.co.uk
Mon Oct 27 22:05:34 UTC 2008


Nice to meet you - and commiseration's on being responsible for  
packaging DBIx::Class (having packaged it myself for our internal  
systems I know it is a bitch of module to package with a tendancy to  
pull in all of CPAN as a dep).

On 27 Oct 2008, at 21:34, Chris Weyl wrote:
> Hm.  Well, I suspect the best place here is in the test suite -- maybe
> a pair of tests:
> * one Fedora/RHEL specific, maybe looking for specific perl rpm  
> versions?
> * one more generic (though I'm not sure that's possible in a better
> fashion than it currently is)
> At the very least, that'll let the perl-DBIx-Class maintainer (me)
> have a better idea what's going on.  Fedora 8 has a couple months of
> life left, if memory serves; if a new release comes out before then
> I'll get it in F-8 pre-EOL.

Minutes before seeing your message I committed some proposed changes  
to both documentation and test suite to cover these issues.

I would appreciate your comments on svn commits 5009 & 5010 to http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/repos/bast/DBIx-Class/0.08/branches/doc_mods


I don't have access to my test RHEL5 VMs from here (home), so have not  
tested the tests on an affected system, but it *should* work - will  
check it tomorrow morning.

[ Nigel Metheringham             Nigel.Metheringham at InTechnology.com ]
[ - Comments in this message are my own and not ITO opinion/policy - ]

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