"perl development" comps.xml group?

Chris Weyl cweyl at alumni.drew.edu
Thu Apr 9 23:28:17 UTC 2009

Hey all --

We're starting to have a greater number of packages geared towards Perl
development...  Given that it'd be nice to have them all easily presented
for those so inclined, I thought it might be nice to have a "Perl
Development" comps.xml group.  There's precedent for this (e.g.
java-development, kde/gnome/x/web-software-development), and we do have a
number of packages that lend themselves nicely:


I don't think it would make sense to try to include all the 1,000+ perl-*
packages out there; this group could be used to highlight the "upper level"
stuff while those so inclined could still do a "yum install 'perl-*'".

Thoughts?  If this sounds good, I'll see about getting one in there...
after the string freeze is up, that is.  :-)

Chris Weyl
Ex astris, scientia
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