"perl development" comps.xml group?

Chris Weyl cweyl at alumni.drew.edu
Fri Apr 10 16:23:07 UTC 2009

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 3:05 AM, Emmanuel Seyman <
emmanuel.seyman at club-internet.fr> wrote:

> * Iain Arnell [10/04/2009 11:49] :
> >
> > I'm inclined to agree - it would certainly be impossible to decide on
> > a Perl Development group that would be suitable for everyone.
> +1

And that's definitely not the goal here :)

> > But it would be nice to have a group of things that might be
> > interesting to developers without being forced to wade through more
> > than 1200 individual '*perl*' rpms (and still missing eclipse-epic if
> > you were looking for an IDE).
> If the goal is "here are the Perl modules we recommand you use", I'm
> not sure it makes sense to make it Fedora-specific (other than making
> sure all the modules are present in the repo, of course). Maybe this is
> a task for the larger Perl community?

No, the goal here would be "put individual packages that can assist in Perl
development in one place so they can be easily found."  e.g. upper-level
ones like cpan-upload or vim-perl-support.  Right now, they're sort of
scattered, and there isn't an easy way for someone new to Fedora (or
evaluating it to say), "OK, what tools does Fedora have to help me?"  I
don't actually envision individual perl-* packages being in there, with the
possible exception of the Task packages.  (e.g. perl-Task-Catalyst, which
bills itself as "This package ensures everything you need to write serious
Catalyst applications is installed.  Install this if you're interested in
developing Catalyst apps.")

Think of it as "a package should be in this group if it's reasonably related
to Perl development and it's not just one of the zillion perl-* packages."

Chris Weyl
Ex astris, scientia
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