Task::Kensho from Enlightened Perl

Chris Weyl cweyl at alumni.drew.edu
Sat Apr 11 17:56:43 UTC 2009

On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 1:13 AM, Dave Cross <dave at dave.org.uk> wrote:

> Chris Weyl wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 4:37 AM, Dave Cross <dave at dave.org.uk> wrote:
> >
> >> Gabor Szabo wrote:
> >>
> >>> So I'd like to ask you to add Task::Kensho to the list of perl
> >>> packages you include in Fedora. Satisfying all of the dependencies
> >>> will bring a nice subset of CPAN to the Fedora users.
> >>>
> >> One of the points I made in my post was that I've already build RPMs for
> >> all of the Kensho modules (or, at least, the ones that aren't already in
> the
> >> Fedora repositories). So if you wanted to move them into the Fedora
> project
> >> you could grab them from http://rpm.mag-sol.com/.
> >>
> >
> > Another thing I didn't mention...  If you (or anyone, really) wants to
> > submit these packages, I'll help review them.
> What advantage would that give? The RPMs are are already available for
> anyone who wants them. I'm not sure why they need another level of
> validation.

> Eventually, my plan is to monitor CPAN and to automatically rebuild
> modules as they are uploaded. I'm also going to make them available at
> http://rpm.pkgs.cpan.org/. I don't really see any need for this to be
> part of the Fedora project (particularly as I build RPMs for Centos too).

Well, to me, the reason to submit packages to Fedora is to have the bits I'm
interested in widely and easily available, without having to set up my own
3rd party repository (VCS, bug tracker, buildsystem, hosting, etc, etc).
It's a little extra work for a lot of extra gain; and I have scripts that
automate the more tedious/routine bits.  A review is mandated as part of the
submission process...  It's pretty straight forward, and for packages
created with cpanspec or the like, essentially pro forma at this point.

There's also a larger group of people than "just me" interested in Perl in
Fedora, which has its advantages.

But, TMTOWTDI :-)  I know I'd like to see a more up-to-date set of Perl
packages for RHEL/Centos, as we use that in places at $work and the
restrictions around EPEL make it pretty unworkable for me.

Chris Weyl
Ex astris, scientia
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