Packages with closed ACL's

Stepan Kasal skasal at
Mon Mar 23 11:03:04 UTC 2009

Hallo f-p-d-l subscribers, 
  I have looked into this, no action is needed.

Hello Jon,

On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 04:10:18PM -0400, Jon Stanley wrote:
> [...] any package which the provenpackager
> group cannot commit to. You are receiving this email because you
> maintain or co-maintain such a package.

I have received two copies of this notice through.
fedora-perl-devel-list, subscribed as perl-sig to pkgdb.

Digging in the headers, I found out it is because of perl-Net-LibIDN
and perl-Razor-Agent packages, owned by robert.
But these packages are open!  At least all active branches:
Fedora 9, 10, rawhide and EPEL 4,5.
The closed branches are Fedora 7 and below.

IMHO it might be better to ignore packages where all the closed
branches are obsolete.  Not that I want to whin, I just think that
this feedback might be useful to you.  Thanks for all the work to
"repair the provenpackager group".

Have a nice day,
	Stepan Kasal

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