Overriding core modules...

Stepan Kasal skasal at redhat.com
Tue Mar 24 15:20:48 UTC 2009


> So, a couple days ago I packaged up and submitted perl-autodie, with an eye

autodie is a core module.  It was not present in perl-5.10.0, but it
is in current maint-5.10 branch (version 1.998).

IMHO core modules should not be packed in Fedora; they should be
updated in perl.spec instead.  (There are some hints about that at
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Perl/perl.spec )

Fedora users can override them in on individual installations by the
means of sitelib, of course.  (Now when the order is site,vendor,core

I have updated to autodies-1.999 in perl-5.10.0-64, to appear soon in
rawhide and F-9 and F-10 testing updates.

	Stepan Kasal

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