Task::Kensho from Enlightened Perl

Chris Weyl cweyl at alumni.drew.edu
Tue Mar 31 18:27:09 UTC 2009

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 4:37 AM, Dave Cross <dave at dave.org.uk> wrote:

> Gabor Szabo wrote:
>> Hi,
>> you might know that there is a relatively new organization called
>> Enlightened Perl
>> http://www.enlightenedperl.org/
>> One of their projects is to create a CPAN module called Task::Kensho
>> http://search.cpan.org/dist/Task-Kensho/ with the sole purpose of setting
>> the
>> dependencies to a list of highly recommended modules.
>> After seeing the post of Dave Cross
>> http://use.perl.org/~davorg/journal/38730<http://use.perl.org/%7Edavorg/journal/38730>
>> about building rpms from all the modules I thought it might be a good
>> target for the Fedora Perl maintainers as well to turn those packages to
>> be
>> official Fedora and then maybe Red Hat packages.
>> So I'd like to ask you to add Task::Kensho to the list of perl
>> packages you include in Fedora. Satisfying all of the dependencies
>> will bring a nice subset of CPAN to the Fedora users.
> One of the points I made in my post was that I've already build RPMs for
> all of the Kensho modules (or, at least, the ones that aren't already in the
> Fedora repositories). So if you wanted to move them into the Fedora project
> you could grab them from http://rpm.mag-sol.com/.
> One interesting point that was thrown up by this little project. I built
> the spec file for perl-Task-Kensho using cpanspec. But cpanspec doesn't seem
> to recognise the Module::Install syntax for declaring dependencies (see, for
> example [1]) so I had to add the 'Requires' statements manually. With more
> and more CPAN authors moving to Module::Install, it would be good if
> cpanspec could be enhanced to support this syntax.

I'm actually working on CPANPLUS::Dist::RPM to handle some of that...  Turns
out the way CPANPLUS::Dist works it tends to hurt my head, so between that
and the Real Job lately it hasn't been going as quickly as I'd like.  Also,
the rpm autoprov/req scripts in Fedora won't pick up deps declared in
Makefile.PL/META.yml; you've probably seen the specfile for Task::Catalyst
already but I ended up just dual-declaring the deps in there.

One of the things I want to do is start leveraging META.yml wherever
possible.  While this is still relatively new, most of the build systems
(EU::MM, M::I, etc) seem to have decent, if varying, support for it.
Leveraging META.yml would make life alot easier, both for creating
specs/rpms, as well as for updating existing spec files....  Especially for
most of the more active modules out there (I'm thinking Catalyst/Mo*se
here), which all tend to leverage Module::Install.

Chris Weyl
Ex astris, scientia
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