private so provides filtering...

Stepan Kasal skasal at
Mon May 25 15:49:04 UTC 2009

Hello Chris,

> >> ><>
> >> [snip]
> >> > If the macros look sane, I'll open a RFE bug against the perl package to
> >> > ask that it be bundled and delivered as /etc/rpm/macros.perl.

first, I'd like to join the "wonderful" chorus, both for starting
this topic and for going the direction towards more general solution.

But I think that the requirements are generally useful, they
shouldn't be limited to perl packaging.

The requirement to skip %{_docdir} seems safe for all packages.

Skipping perl_vendorarch/.../*.so doesn't sound much general, but I
believe we could change that rule: auto-provides should count only
"lib*.so" libraries, not all "*.so".

I think we should really push these changes to the rpm package itself
(or at least to redhat-rpm-config).

I'm not much happy with the actual implementation in macros.perl:
We should not build a pipe of grep commands; one grep in a pipe is
enough.  Moreover, the %{_docdir} subtree should be skipped by find
in the first place (-prune is your friend).

To sum up, I'd like to push the actual filters to rpm build defaults,
but I'm not so sure about pushing the general mechanism to amend the
filter macros.


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